Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Invitation to Convergence 2012

Dear Friends,

Autumn 2012 is going to be a great moment for Voice Dialogue. The international Francophone group has been working with fervor. Some of you already know about this while others are just learning about it.
We’re inviting you to an international meeting of Voice Dialogue professionals (teachers and senior facilitators) that will be held at the Chateau de Méridon in the Valley of Chevreuse, about 20 miles south of Paris, France.
Our goal is to create an environment where we can share our different approaches, exchange our experiences and ask one another questions about our work.
Please find below the details to help you organize your stay:

We’ll be able to welcome you from Thursday, September 6th starting 11am until Sunday, September 9th after lunch.

Conference setting - Château de Méridon
The Chateau is in a pleasant, friendly, country setting that can accommodate up to 120 people. In order to take advantage of the time we have together we’ll all be residential – living in close proximity to one another in the Chevreuse Valley - and, except for breakfast, we’ll have all our meals together at the Chateau de Méridon.

Below are the four hotels in the Chevreuse Valley where we’ll be staying. You are in charge of reserving your own lodging.

1. Château de Méridon: www.meridon.eu
The Château de Méridon can accommodate up to 24 people
Rooms for 2 to 4 persons with limited amenities.
The cost per person: 32€ (toilet and shower in the hall)

2. L’hôtel des ducs de Chevreuse - www.lesducs.comaccueil@lesducs.com
The Hôtel de Chevreuse can accommodate up to 40 people.
Small apartments for 2 to 4 people
The cost per apartment: 89 to 140€

3. L’hôtel de la Chapelle - www.hotelchapelle.com
The Hôtel de la Chapelle can accommodate up to 20 people
10 Single or Double rooms: 3 rooms with 2 twin beds & 7 rooms with larger beds
The cost per room: 107€ + 10€50 for breakfast

4. L’hôtel Au bord du Lac - www.auborddulac.com - auborddulac@wanadoo.fr
The Hôtel Au Bord du Lac can accommodate up to 30 people
Rooms with 2 twin beds or 1 large bed
The cost per room: 70€

These hotels offer different levels of comfort. Please check our blog for details. We highly recommend you reserve a room as quickly as possible in order to obtain the price and comfort level you desire. The hotel managers have agreed to “hold” a small number of their rooms for us.

Cost of the Convergence
The cost includes:
Participation in all the workshops and plenary talks
All meals (except for breakfast) and all coffee breaks
Morning and evening transportation between your hotel and the Château de Méridon

Depending on your inscription date, the prices are as follows:
• Wise owl : Reservation & payment before January 1st, 2012
• Early bird: Reservation & payment before April 1st 2012 : 455 €
• On time: Reservation & payment before September 6th 2012 : 525 €

We’d like everyone to be able to express themselves in their native language and be translated (simultaneously or after a pause) into the native languages of the attending participants. We’re asking those of you who are bilingual or trilingual (or more!) to make yourselves known on your registration form. You’ll be a valued source of support in this endeavor.

Participation criteria
• You have undertaken extensive Voice Dialogue training totaling approximately 30 days, not counting personal sessions and conference participation;
• You have continued your personal development with Voice Dialogue on a regular basis;
• You have practiced Voice Dialogue professionally for a minimum of 3 years.

While waiting to greet you at this exciting event, we wish to extend our warmest wishes and remind you that we are ready to help you in any way we can.

The French-speaking Organisation Committee