Gisèle Abécéra
Geneviève Cailloux
Pierre Cauvin
Marie-Agnès Chauvin
Judith Collignon
Elisabeth Douillet
Celie Fox-Cabane
Suzel Gaborit-Stiffel
Florence Kehrer-Bory
Marie-Danielle Koechlin
Myriam Ladeuze
Jacques Laurent
Gisèle Abécéra
Trained in Voice Dialogue since 1998, accompanying others based on 30 years of experience and training in various verbal and body therapies. In the context of the association 'Ecoute en Corps',I offer workshops called 'Taking Care of Oneself' using a wide variety of techniques such as relaxation, sophrology, gentle gym and massage.
I like to share and transmit to others, individually and in a group, whatever I am passionate about which allows me to grow and evolve. Presently, I am involved in "Non Violent Communication".
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Geneviève CaillouxConsultant, coach, therapist, trainer and author.
Partner of Pierre Cauvin in "Osiris Conseil" which we created in 1989.
Co-author with Pierre of 'L'Intelligence de Soi', inspired by Jungian typology and Voice Dialogue as well as by extensive experience in gestalt, systems analysis, the Jungian individuation process, the work of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, sexology, non violent communication, transactional analysis, creative visualisation, symbolism, rogerian listening, etc.
Co-Author of 'L'Anthologie de Dialogue Intérieur.
70 years old, 5 children, 9 grand-children, lives close to Fontainebleau.
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Pierre CauvinBorn in 1942.
Partner in life and professionally of Geneviéve Cailloux with 5 children and 9 grand-children between us.
Career in industry, the private and public sector.
Introduced and developed the Typological Approach and Voice Dialogue in France with Geneviève Cailloux which were combined to create 'L'intelligence de Soi' that we have been teaching for the past 15 years.
Motives for organising the Convergence:
• to give back to the Voice Dialogue community some of what it has given me.
• to help make Voice Dialogue more well-known in France
• to work in a committee that is in itself a 'mini convergence
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Marie-Agnès ChauvinFirstly: psychologist trained in Jungian tools: typology of Voice Dialogue and medical hypnosis.
Secondly: professional - responsible for Human Resources and then consultant in business, coach and therapist.
Thirdly: author (songs, stories, poetry and serious books!) "Dans les forges primaires de l'être"( already published) and "Devenez androgyne, ca ira mieux", soon to be published by Editions du Souffle d'Or.
To sum up: A woman of 64 years old, mother of 3 children, grand-mother of 2, newly remarried....who tries to live in complete harmony with herself and others and to transmit what she is passionate about
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Judith CollignonI discovered Voice Dialogue in the 80's when Hal and Sidra first came to England to conduct workshops. It was an amazing discovery! It has greatly influenced my work and opened up my creativity as a Clinical Psychologist and Family and Couple Therapist, working with individuals, couples and groups. I am particularly fascinated by the energetics and transformational aspects of the different part
I have enjoyed working with the Convergence team. Our meetings have been an opportunity to share ourselves and to let our creativity flow!
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Elizabeth DouilletI have always been passionately interested in human relationships: Architect for 20 years and then mediation consultant, I have practiced and taught Voice Dialogue since 2001. I have been exploring all of this with consciousness as an artist as part of a research group 'Arfore' that I created with Marie Danielle Koechlin. In this group, we have created workshops, the aim of which is to favor the incarnation of our sub-personalities. My wish to share this work has motivated my contribution to the Convergence and to its' organization.
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Celie Fox-CabaneMy experience with Voice Dialogue began at Hal & Sidra Stone’s summer training intensive in 1985. I was immediately impressed by its elegant simplicity and convinced by the deep impact it had on me. I integrated Voice Dialogue in my work as a Gestalt coach with the international business community in Paris, France.
My home for the past 40 years has been in Paris and, more recently, in southern Sweden where every year I am invited to spend two months in a beautiful university town. My current projects include establishing a place for Voice Dialogue in the academic community.
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Suzel Gaborit-Stiffel72 years old, married to Jean-Marie, 2 children, 4 grandchildren.
Education: Sciences Po Paris, Human Resources (CNAM).
Career: spanning 50 years including 25 as director of a consulting and communications agency.
For the past 15 years: coaching using several approaches, including MBTI and Voice Dialogue, two approaches introduced me to by Osiris that I have since grown to love.
Working with the Stones confirmed my passion and deepened my knowledge of Voice Dialogue.
Full Member of the SF Coach and former Vice-President.
Member of European EGG group of coaches.
In 2005 I founded the European Centre for Coaching and Voice Dialogue: coaching, supervision and training in Voice Dialogue.
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Florence Kehrer-BoryHaving the chance to participate, even from afar, in the organization of a new international encounter of other people passionate about voice Dialogue is wonderful for me. To be able to think that once again, I will be able to be in contact and interact with people from all horizons, with the connoisseurs and enthusiasts of the method, delights me! And that this reunion is taking place in a castle where perhaps Merlin and Vivian are not very far away seems to me to be the best omen of all. Let us not forget about inviting the wicked witch within us, in order to avoid her arriving on her own and in full force, so she will have the respect and exactly the same honors as all the other guests.
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Marie Danielle KoechlinPracticing Voice Dialogue since 1999 has fertilized my work as a visual artist. The artistic gesture that represents the emergence of a sub-personality incites me to use the beauty of the incarnation of different energies in the production of my work. Since 2007 I’ve been associated with Elisabeth Douillet under the “arfore” label. We’ve been developing workshops that aim to promote the incarnation of sub personalities. It is in this sense that I envisage my contribution to the Convergence and consider myself part of the organizing committee
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Myriam LadeuzeFirst intrigued by how the psyche influences our daily lives, I’ve since became passionate.
In 1999, after 15 years working in various companies as an engineer, I began extensive training in psychotherapy. I came across Voice Dialogue in 2004, and it was a magnificent encounter. Since then, I’ve used it as much for my own personal process as in my profession as a business coach and psychotherapist.
I’m actively participating in the organization of Convergence to offer my modest contribution to the development the Voice Dialogue community marked by rich professionalism.
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Jacques Laurent
Trained in Voice Dialogue in 1991 with Franz Kocken and Kali in Sweden, then (from 1992 to 1995) I became part of the international team created by Robert Stamboliev who trained the first French participants in Voice Dialogue. I had the pleasure of working regularly with Hal and Sidra Stone during their visits to Europe.
Throughout my career, I’ve deepened my experience particularly with the language of dreams, free dance, Native American shamanism, silence ...
I practice Voice Dialogue with groups, couples and individuals in Paris and near Fontainebleau.
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