Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Call from the committee

Dear friends,

You have registered for the Voice Dialogue Convergence which will take place in Paris this coming September and we are looking forward to seeing you.
Taking into account previous Convergences, many of you have asked that the program include (the proportions have not yet been fixed), presentations and workshops prepared in advance as well as other workshops created in the 'open space' format during the Convergence.
In order to create a smoother flow, we would be grateful if you would let us know if you would like to facilitate a presentation or a workshop. If you would, please send us by e-mail (info@convergence2012.eu) the following information below:
- Your name:
- Your subject (a brief description):
- Time needed (30 minutes, one hour, two hours)
- Number of participants (Maximum / Minimum)
- Material needed
- Language (s) spoken by the facilitator
- Language (s) understood by the facilitator

Thank you
The Organizing Committee

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Newsletter 4

Convergence 2012 – September 6-9 Paris (Vallée de Chevreuse) France

Dear Friends,
The period of the official French New Year’s greeting is now over. With this letter we announce the beginning of another period, a simple, warm, friendly greeting!
It is with joy that the entire 2012 Convergence Organizing team is making their wish for our encounter this coming fall to be a happy, fulfilling and festive one, and for the time before this event to be full of delight for everyone.

And speaking of time passing ...
Do you know the purpose of the time between the moment the Christmas tree is decorated and the moment the Easter bunnies arrive bearing eggs?
It’s time to register for the "Early Bird” discount!!!
Before April 1st you can take advantage of this discount by joining our existing group.

Check out the 2012 Convergence blog to see what a friendly form this blog is taking – you’ll see the names of registrants and the presentation of individual members of our organizing committee.

The festivities and future exchanges are being prepared with ardure. It would be so much less joyful and less rich if it were to take place without you!

We are now putting all our energy into organizing 3 essential elements:

1. Linguistic Diversity and Sharing Languages
This is about transforming our language differences into an asset. We’re developing the concept of "language facilitators" (a minimum for our community "dialoguers") to respect those who speak their native languages and help those who do not understand it.
To illustrate this concept, a rewritten version of the episode of the "Tower of Babel" will be sent out soon.

2. The Program
This is about providing a large field to welcome whatever will emerge while not losing too much time on managing the logistics of organization. We will therefore, in a flexible manner, provide time for prepared workshops and time for spontaneous creations. Please let us know if you already have the desire to lead a workshop by using a form that will be sent to you in the coming days.

3. Answering your Questions
Don’t hesitate to contact us!

We are looking forward to seeing you soon. In the meantime, we’d like to share with you our joy in preparing for this future encounter. We extend our friendship and would like to remind you that we are here for you.

The Organizing Committee for the 2012 Convergence
Invitation N°4 - January 31st, 2012