Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Dear Friends

Convergence 2012 has been a real success, especially:
  • the alternating of prepared workshops and spontaneous initiatives. This has allowed those who wanted to share their practice to be seen and heard.
  • the waltz in 3 movements of language facilitation which worked very well.
The involvement of everyone, backed up by the hosts of Meridon, who were very successful in their role of supporting us in many ways.
Everyone left the Convergence taking something away with them, whether it be personal or professional or both.
And finally, without boasting, I am going to tell you why it was such a big success: because I was there!
I had not registered or paid for my accommodation. I ate with you all the time but did not sleep at the château nor at the hotel. I discretely disappeared every evening behind the bushes in the park. I took part in most of your workshops from a distance but with my warm and sometimes illuminating presence. I found Saturday evening very funny and I loved being with you for the closing ceremony in the clearing. I found it very moving.
I know that you were thrilled that I was there and I promise you all that I will try to come again next time.
Until we meet again, take care of yourselves.
Your devoted servant

The sun

And that is not all.
We invite you to see the photos that were taken and another surprises at our website: http://convergence2012en.blogspot.com/.
If you would like us to publish something from you on the blog: a thought, a good bye, some photos, etc., send them to Myriam (myriam@convergence2012.eu) and we will be happy to publish whatever you send us.