Monday, 8 August 2011

Convergence 2012 launch

Dear friends
Remember !
At the end of the London Convergence, a group of international French speaking people, whether it was their mother tongue or not, said that they “might consider” organizing the 2012 Convergence in Paris.
Today we are very happy to announce that we have stopped considering and that the next Convergence will take place in the beautiful castle of Méridon, 40 kms south-west of Paris, from September 6th at noon till September 9th after lunch.
It will be a residential Convergence, staying all together for 3 full days.
We have already started a mini French Convergence of 10-12 people to prepare for the big one.
We invite you to circle these days in your calendar, we care expecting a lot of you to come !
More news later and we already promise you a good package with convenient transport facilities.
Wishing you all the best !
The Organizing Committee